What If Quitting Benzos Didn't Have To
Be Quite So Difficult?
Start my brand new course today... and be 1 of 20 individuals that can sign up during February, 2021, for the worldwide launch of Total Benzo Recovery!

Join Total Benzo Recovery Today & Get INSTANT ACCESS To Matt Finch's Guidance:

About the Program
Total Benzo Recovery is a novel program. From your smart phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop, you can access the course at any place and time (with internet access).
It's the most in-depth resource on the web for supplementation for benzo recovery, but that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Unlike approaches that rely on just one method, this course uses a hierarchy you can customize for your own individualized needs.
"I like to refer to it as The Hierarchy of Benzo Recovery."
Fact is...
If you've struggled to quit benzos, stay quit, or even just cut down, then you have Missing Links somewhere in this Hierarchy.
Everyone quitting benzos will have biochemical missing links, and most will have missing links in other domains too, such as mental, emotional, social, environmental, and/or spiritual.
Negative consequences: Long-term daily use of benzos often leads to severe GABA deficiency, glutamate excess, endocrine issues, memory issues, sleep issues, and much more.
In Total Benzo Recovery, you'll have me as your virtual coach. Someone that has been through benzo dependence, withdrawal, tapering, post-acute withdrawal, relapse, addiction... the whole shebang.
Note: I successfully freed myself from benzos only because I got lucky.
A family member sent me a few bottles of supplements that had targeted Neuro-Nutrients for rebuilding healthy levels of natural GABA, dopamine, and endorphins, which were the main reason I felt so good so fast after detoxing.
5 years after quitting benzos, opioids, alcohol, and other substances, I had a bad breakup and trauma. I went on 1 mg of clonazepam/day for 4 months and the last 2 months I tapered. And I used gabapentin for a week when I tapered off benzos.
I also took plenty of targeted neuro-nutrients, drank lots of water, went for walks, and much more.
Wisdom-bomb => And since I knew at that point about the science of benzo tolerance and dependence, my time on the medicine was strictly medicinal use for short-term difficulty in being able to even eat. Had I known about all of this the first time I was prescribed Valium at 24, I might not have become addicted -- or at least so darn FAST!
"The Silver Lining of My Addiction..."
After 9 years of post-addiction life, a few years helping people quit benzos at an outpatient treatment center as a counselor, and more than 6 years helping people quit benzos and other substances as an addiction coach, I have an integrative, holistic, strategic system formulated, and Total Benzo Recovery will show you this system in phase-by-phase and step-by-step course.
One of the core components of this system is the 5 stages of recovering.
Here Are "The 5 Stages Of
Recovering From Benzos":

The Course Also Provides In-Depth Training on Innovative Nutraceuticals & Nutrigenomics For:
Benzo Tapering, Detox, and Recovery

Special offer! Enroll now and get a 35% discount !
Total Benzo Recovery - Course Curriculum
Here's a sneak peak at what you're getting:
4 Modules, 25 Videos, Visual Aids, Worksheets, Downloads, Step-by-Step Format
MODULE 1 - Getting Started
You'll be introduced to the program, learn how to navigate the course, find out about my benzo addiction and recovery, get organized, and come up with powerful reasons to quit benzos.
The first module is designed to give you quick motivation, momentum, and dopamine boosts as a result!

MODULE 2 - Knowing What You're Up Against
It's almost impossible to quit benzos without having the right information. In this module, you'll learn about the common obstacles of trying to get off benzos.
Plus, you'll start getting broad pictures of the upcoming therapies you can use to blast through these common barriers!

MODULE 3 - How To Get Off Benzos Safely While Mitigating Withdrawal
Module 3 is where things start to get very detailed into the nuts and bolts of tapering, nutrigenomics, epigenetics, neuroplasticity, innovative nutraceuticals, bio-harmonizers, and even cold-turkey withdrawal mitigators and a whole lot more!

MODULE 4 - How To Stay Off Benzos, Rewire Your Brain, & Beat Anxiety
This Module is about healing from post-acute withdrawal quickly and mitigating symptoms too. Plus, you'll also learn how to rewire your brain away from benzos for good, how to overcome anxiety naturally, tips for lifestyle in those early first 6 months of post-benzo detox, and much more!

About The Course Teacher,
Matt Finch
Matt is a former certified chemical dependency counselor and currently a certified strategic intervention coach and substance detox and recovery coach. His published content on substance detox and recovery has reached millions of people worldwide in the past 6+ years.

Why does it cost $297 for Total Benzo Recovery?
So what exactly is this Total Benzo Recovery? And why does it cost $297? These are great questions. Fact is...
Total Benzo Recovery is a comprehensive online course that is easy to create a username and password for -- and easy to go through the step-by-step lessons -- including videos, slide decks, downloads, worksheets, links to resources, and more.
It's 100% confidential as you can just purchase the course, then you'll be instantly transported to the Total Benzo Recovery sign-up link. Here you can enter your email, and for your name, simply put your first name or make up a name if you wish to remain anonymous!
There are comment sections at the end of each and every lesson. Additionally, in the course you can email me with a simple click of a button. This way I can answer your questions and provide personal guidance.
Last but not least, there is an optional membership group that is on Facebook listed as a "secret group." This means that other members of the group will see your real name (if that's what you're using on Facebook). However, only members of the Total Benzo Recovery (TBR) Community will see your name and posts... all other individuals will not be able to see this.
Well alrighty! If you still have questions, scroll to the bottom of this page to view the F.A.Q. section.
For a course like this one, the suggested price range is $497 - $997.
However, since this is the "Official Launch" of Total Benzo Recovery, you can
Sign Up Today and Get Instant, Lifetime Access for a One-Time Payment of
Only $197. Claim Your Spot Before Total Benzo Recovery Fills Up!

4 Modules, 25 Videos, 10 Hours of Content, &
"Satisfaction 100% Guaranteed or Your Money Back"
-Matt Finch

Course Enrollments close on Feb. 7th 2021

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30-Days
If you're not completely satisfied with Total Benzo Recovery, simply email us for a refund within 30 days of purchase.
You are welcome to enroll today and see for yourself just how extraordinary this brand new course is. Take it for a test drive... and if it's not absolutely what you're looking for, simply email us to get a full refund... no questions asked.
Frequently Asked Questions
You get instant and lifetime access to Total Benzo Recovery, a brand new online course launched in Feb. of 2021. It comes with 4 modules, 25 videos, slide decks, downloads, worksheets, and stunning printable visual aids. Total Benzo Recovery shows you how to get off any type of benzo step-by-step, starting from where you are and ending with helping you achieve your goal. You also get email support, direct support and guidance from Matt Finch, and more. Sign up today so you can see just how awesome this program truly is!
Within seconds of your payment going through, you'll be taken to the sign-up page for Total Benzo Recovery. From here, you simply enter your email and type in a name. If you wish to remain anonymous, do not sign up using your last name. You can also change your name, add a profile pic and bio if you wish. The course is easy to navigate. You just click to watch the first video and watch them in order. Everything is organized quite nicely and everything is visually stunning.
It's important to know there are two different scenarios for this category. 1) Total Benzo Recovery is an online video course on the Teachable course software platform. It's a popular one because the courses have superior navigation, structure, and design. When you create a user account for Total Benzo Recovery, this is on Teachable.com. Here you can simply register with your first name to remain confidential. 2) The Total Benzo Recovery (TBR) Community is a secret group on Facebook. If you use your real full name on Facebook, if you enroll in the optional membership group for the course, only other members that have purchased Total Benzo Recovery will see that you're in the program.
Provide some answers to common questions. Perhaps you want to tell answer how much time they need to dedicate to get through the course, or give them a support email to contact you if they have further questions. It doesn’t need to be questions you were actually asked, but rather the final few questions people may want answered before they are ready to buy.
Total Benzo Recovery is currently in the open-enrollment period. From now until Feb. 7th 2021, Total Benzo Recovery is enrolling new students. The maximum this course will have is 20 people. Thus, enrollment for the course can end in two different ways. 1) If 20 people sign up before Feb. 7, enrollment will be closed for the month. This is to ensure that each student gets the attention, support, and guidance they desire. 2) If the course doesn't reach 20 students, on Feb. 7 at 12:00 am Eastern enrollment will close. This is to ensure that everyone in the course all starts during the same 1-6 days or so.
Yes. Included in the price of $297 (and on sale for only $197 for this official launch!) is one-on-one feedback from me (Matt Finch). You are encouraged to reach out directly to me for help in whichever way resonates most with you. For example, inside the course you can comment and ask questions under each and every lesson. There is also a "contact your teacher" button in the course that is easy to find. You simply click it to send me an email. You can also ask me questions and create your own posts in the course bonus Facebook group: The TRB Community.
Since this is the official launch of this brand new program, there will be very few people in the course and likely even fewer in The TBR Community. However, over time both the course and the membership group will gain new students. I envision empowering and educational conversations, empathy for each other, support for each other, sharing ideas, and much more goodness!
Yes, there is a refund guarantee. After purchasing Total Benzo Recovery and taking the course for a test drive, you can decide on whether or not you'd like to keep the program or get a full refund. If you do want a refund, simply request it by email within 30 days of purchasing Total Benzo Recovery. We will refund your $197 in a timely manner, and best part?... No questions asked!
The Choice is Yours...
Imagine waking up one morning and being benzo-free, healthy, happy, confident, grounded, and able to thrive rather than just survive. Imagine the freedom and how awesome it will feel to not need benzos to avoid withdrawal and not need them for anxiety ever again. With Total Benzo Recovery, you invest in yourself risk-free with our iron-clad 30-day money back guarantee.
Yes! I Accept Matt's Offer To Join Total Benzo Recovery