Matt Finch goes deep into the world of Highly Sensitive People and Empaths and why they can be highly prone to alcohol and drug addiction.
In this episode, you’ll learn about several interrelated topics, including the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), the Empath, the Highly Sensitive Empath, and why these human biological innate traits can increase addiction vulnerability (especially to CNS depressants like alcohol, benzos, and opioids).
Here are the main topics discussed in this episode:
- Topic: The Link Between Human Sensitivity and Addiction
- What is Sensitivity?
- What is a Highly Sensitive Person?
- What is an Empath?
- What are the differences and similarities between HSPs and Empaths?
- Can you be an HSP and an Empath or can you only be one?
- Why are sensitive humans prone to addiction?
- Are there substances and addictions sensitives get into more than others?
- Do sensitives need different approaches to addiction treatment?
- What are the key concepts a sensitive person with an addiction should know?
- What are the key concepts a sensitive person without an addiction should know?
- What are some helpful resources for highly sensitive people and empaths?
- Books, Podcasts, YouTube channels, Documentaries, Interviews, Free Online Assessments, Websites, Blogs, etc.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Highly Sensitive Person Test
- High Sensation Seeking Test
- Empath Test
- The Highly Sensitive Person: How To Thrive When The World Overwhelms You
Recommended resources you might find useful:
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Disclaimer: This episode is for informational/educational use only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult with your physician if you believe you may have a health condition.
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