Learn some of the best supplement formulas for alcohol and drug detox, cravings, preventing relapse, bouncing back from relapse, and beyond.
In this episode, you’ll hear a segment of Matt Finch’s newest Live Course and Group Coaching Program called Master THOR To End Your Addiction Now: Mind/Body/Spirit Mastery For Alcohol Recovery.
The class was two hours of lecture and 15 minutes of discussion after.
Here are the main concepts discussed by Matt Finch:
- Why Supplements are a Kickass Strategy
- The Philosophy of Supplementation for Addiction Recovery
- Benefits of Using Supplements for Addiction Recovery
- Some of the Top Supplements, Formulas, and Brands Chris and Matt Love
- The Addictive (or “Extremist”) Personality
- and beyond…
Recommended resources you might find helpful:
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Disclaimer: This episode is for informational/educational use only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult with your physician if you believe you may have a health condition.

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