Synopsis: Chris Scott & Matt Finch share stories about working very stressful jobs or careers and how they used either alcohol (Chris) or alcohol and drugs (Matt) to mitigate the 'suckiness' of …
‘Stuck In The Box’ Thinking Of ‘Mainstream’ Recovery Ideology (Ep. 182)
Synopsis: Chris Scott and Matt Finch discuss strategies and concepts for beating addiction that go way against popular mainstream recovery rules. The way you view yourself, addiction, recovery, and …
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A Guide To Using Creative Outlets For Addiction & Mental Health Recovery (Ep. 175)
Synopsis: Matt Finch discusses the power of creative outlets for addiction and mental health recovery, why highly-creative people are often more prone to substance use disorders and/or mental health …
Faith-based recovery and optimizing the spiritual pillar (Ep. 163)
Synopsis: Matt Finch and Coach Tana discuss faith-based addiction recovery approaches, how these differ from other genres of addiction treatment, and how someone can optimize their spiritual pillar …
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How To Harness Anger To Quit an Addiction (Ep. 151)
Anger usually gets a bad rap, yet used in a healthy and adaptive way, self-directed anger can be a powerful force that has helped countless individuals (including cohosts Chris Scott and Matt Finch) …
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Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Therapy May Help With Addiction, Mental Health, Chronic Pain, & Autoimmune Disorders (Ep. 143)
Matt Finch and Chris Scott discuss the many potential benefits of low dose naltrexone (LDN) therapy, including addiction recovery, mental health, and even chronic pain, autoimmune disorders, …