Using potentially habit-forming substances like Kratom, cannabis, certain nootropics, and others for drug and alcohol withdrawal and during the post-addiction phase of life is a very controversial subject.
Some people believe that these should never be used for withdrawal or in recovery due to the potential for cross-addiction, while others believe that many people have or can develop the ability to take various substances like these without getting addicted.
This is a topic that brings up strong convictions and beliefs from people on both sides of the argument.
Ultimately, each individual should review the pros and cons of each method (total abstinence vs harm reduction or responsible non-addictive use) and decide which one will lead to a better quality of life for them, personally.
Here are the main topics discussed in this episode:
- Using nootropics (aka smart drugs) responsibly after overcoming addiction
- Using Kratom responsibly after overcoming addiction
- The addictive powers of caffeine
- Is it optimal to use performance-enhancing legal substances after you’ve ended your addiction
- Benefits of creating a high state of biochemical optimization using natural therapies post-addiction
- Dragon Herbs Spring Dragon Longevity Tea for natural health and longevity
- Using potentially habit-forming substances as productivity/creativity enhancers infrequently when you’re needing an extra boost due to not being as optimized as you’d like
- Chris Scott’s experiences researching, using, and writing about Kratom for alcohol withdrawal and recovery
- Chris wanting to develop a sense of self-efficacy and proving to himself that he could try Kratom and not become addicted to it even if you really loved it
- Matt Finch’s experiences researching, using, and writing about Kratom for opioid withdrawal, addiction, and as a long-term maintenance option and for infrequent, responsible use
- Matt’s experiences researching, using, and writing about nootropics for drug or alcohol addiction and for long-term responsible, non-daily use
- Traditional 12-step recovery based fears such as wearing alcohol-based cologne and other so-called slippery slopes
- Having way more fun in life without alcohol or drugs due to having a balanced brain and other hobbies and tools for enjoying life
- Becoming an advanced recovery biohacker
- How cross-addiction and relapse are due primarily to having an unbalanced brain
- Different strokes for different folks when it comes to either using or abstaining from substances that have habit-forming potential
- Using alcohol and/or drugs to self-medicate anxiety and other mental issues and then having exacerbated anxiety or other issues when not using the substance
- 12-step recovery vs SMART recovery
- resource for transcending alcohol addiction
- resource for transcending opioid addiction
- Taking massive action helps to reduce fear
- Envisioning an awesome and fun life without using your substance of addiction
- Ego-based drives for success such as “proving people wrong” or “vanity”
- Spiritual-based drives for achieving goals such as “contribution” and “service”
- People that yearn for more in the realm of contributing and leaving a dent in the world
Resources mentioned in this episode:
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