Julia Ross is a pioneer and world leader in the field of Neuro-Nutrient Therapy, using amino acids and other supplements, nutrition, and various other natural therapies to effectively treat addictions, mood disorders, and food cravings.
Julia’s books, programs, articles, videos, talks, and lectures have helped countless individuals over the decades.
About Julia Ross
After 10 years as a psychotherapist working with individual adults and adolescents, families and groups in a variety of in psychiatric and outpatient settings, Julia began to direct programs.
Some of her early achievements included the founding of the San Francisco Bay Area’s first programs for food addicts and for drug-addicted adolescents and their families.
Julia is a popular and compelling speaker who has made hundreds of presentations to introduce professionals and the public to the extraordinary benefits of nutritional therapy.
In addition to years of lecturing throughout California, the U.S., and Canada, Julia began teaching and training for health professionals starting in 1994 at John F. Kennedy University’s Graduate Psychology Program.
- Julia is currently an instructor in the Nutrition and Addiction Program at Drexel University. She established her own advanced training and certification programs, both live and distance, for health professionals in 2004 called The NeuroNutrient Therapy Institute (NNTI).
- Julia is the author of The Diet Cure, The Mood Cure, and The Craving Cure; she has been the subject of many articles in publication from Vogue Magazine to The Journal of Molecular Psychiatry.
- Her own articles have been published in Counselor Magazine, the Journal of the American Psychological Association, the Townsend Letter, Practical Pain Management and elsewhere.
- She has frequently appeared as an expert on radio, television, and the internet: An NBC special on The Mood Cure’s approach to depression was aired several times throughout the U.S. and a CBN special on how amino acid therapies eliminate food cravings generated 50,000 calls to the producers.
- Julia is now the Director of The Craving Cure Virtual Clinic and The NeuroNutrient Therapy Institute based in Mill Valley, California.
- Since 2008, she has been on the Executive Committee and the Chairpersonship of Treatment Standards Committee of the Alliance for Addiction Solutions.
Here are the main topics discussed in this episode:
- Why using psychotherapy without addressing neurotransmitter imbalances has low success rates in the treatment of addiction.
- Treating biochemical problems without biochemical solutions.
- Early 1980’s neuroscientist developed a protocol demonstrating the clinical effectiveness of using brain-targeted nutrients (in the form of amino acids) for treating addiction neurochemistry.
- Anxiety, depression, oversensitivity, overstress, biochemical imbalances, and other presenting problems from individuals that are addicted.
- Turning off food cravings, drug cravings, alcohol cravings, and negative moods using neuro-nutrient protocols.
- Neurotransmitter questionnaires in The Mood Cure for mood disorders and substance addictions.
- Food craving questionnaires for identifying the proper treatments of food addictions in The Craving Cure.
- Commercial food industry targeting the opioid centers in the brain to make foods more addictive.
- Exorphins (contained in wheat and dairy products) which fit right inside the endorphin receptor sites in the brain, thus turning on pleasure centers in a big way.
- Importance of protein for rebuilding the brain’s generous neuro-pharmacy of natural feel-good chemicals.
- The symptoms of endorphin deficiency and the benefits of having a copious amount of natural endorphin production.
- Various types of amino acids which are often used in the treatment of opioid addiction and withdrawal, and alcohol addiction and withdrawal.
- The different types of drinkers and how different amino acids help for each type.
- The discouragingly low success rates of traditional treatment programs as a result of not treating the biochemical component of addiction.
- High rates of hypoglycemia in alcoholics and other substance abusers and how to address it with nutrition and supplements.
- The biochemical benefits of consuming grass-fed steak, despite the myths going around that red meat is bad due to the saturated fat content.
- Nutrient deficiencies from being vegan and problems that commonly arise from it.
- Connecting the dots backward to the 1950s and 1960s American eating habits which was the last time most people looked and felt healthy.
- Changes in American eating habits starting in the 1970s which led to the obesity epidemic and the rapid rise of other physical and mental health issues.
- Why humans are genetically programmed to eat meat, fruits, vegetables, and other types of whole foods.
- “Techno-Carbs” and the damage they cause to the human brain and body.
- How junk food has been changed over time to be more and more addictive and less and less nutritious.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
- JuliaRossCures.com
- The Craving Cure Virtual Clinic
- The NeuroNutrient Therapy Institute
- Alliance for Addiction Solutions
Books by Julia Ross:
- The Diet Cure: The 8-Step Program to Rebalance Your Body Chemistry and End Food Cravings, Weight Gain, and Mood Swings–Naturally
- The Mood Cure: The 4-Step Program to Take Charge of Your Emotions – Today
- The Craving Cure: Identify Your Craving Type to Activate Your Natural Appetite Control
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Hi Thank you very much. I myself had a gastric bypass . There is a very high rate of batriatric surgery patients that become alcoholics I feel this may be because of nutrition deficiency . I would like this as a podcast show . Also patients do not absorb vit and minerals very well .
I would also ask on a different point please look up the empowerplus story on YouTube ty
I’m interested in Microdosing mushrooms using Kratom to taper or whatever would work; though I have no access to truffles or anything really; and by the time I grow them; my life will be hell.
I beg of you to help me.
Any medications that I can taper to get off opioids and alcohol. I ask for: This mess I’m in I got in by being a US Marine Desert during Desert Storm war veteran and afterwards by being state trooper rape detective Who hunted down rapists and murderers. Who tried to kill me in 1996!
Please help me, PM and text me with any help as I trust you; and can help you as I am a semi-professional athlete/ice climber!
We can promote each other! I can promote what you are doing as you help me!
Please help; I’m about to be in withdrawal hell. I’ll pay!!!