OFAR or Optimization-Focused Addiction Recovery is so strategic and effective that it’s a shame more people aren’t aware of this optimization-centered approach. In this episode, Matt Finch gives you the foundation and principles of OFAR and several examples so that you too can benefit from this game changer for addiction treatment and recovery.
Overview of the main topics in this episode:
- Introducing OFAR – Optimization-Focused Addiction Recovery
- How I learned about optimization and why I became obsessed with it
- Definition of optimization
- Applying the Principle of Optimization to the macro and micro
- Optimization of Methods, Habits, Behaviors, Mind Patterns, Addiction Treatment Approaches, and Resources
- Applying Optimization to the Phases of Addiction Recovery
- Applying Optimization to the Hierarchy of Addiction Recovery
- And more…
- What is Optimization?
- optimization (noun) – the action of making the best or most effective use of a situation or resource
- Examples are optimizing your morning routine – so taking an action of altering it to make it even better
- Optimizing your drug or alcohol detox supplements plan is making your protocol as best as you possibly can
- Optimizing your accountability for staying alcohol-free or drug-free is finding a way or ways to make your accountability system even stronger and more effective than it already is
- Optimize your detox plan
- Optimize your spiritual growth
- Optimize your dopamine production supplement stack
- Optimize your incentives to quit and stay quit
- And on and on…
- Ares of Optimization for Addiction Recovery
- The Hierarchy of Recovery
- Body
- Mind
- Spirit
- Environment
- The Phases of Recovery
- Preparation (Learn, Research, Plan, Prepare)
- Detoxification (Substance, General; Cold-Turkey, Taper)
- Repair (Rest, Rebalance, Restore, Rejuvenate, Recharge, Re-stabilize CNS)
- Rewire
- The Hierarchy of Recovery
- Principles of OFAR
- Look everywhere in your addiction treatment and recovery for areas that can be optimized
- Start with the areas that will give you the most help and work your way in descending order from there
- Put on your optimization glasses daily and view your life and goals through them
- Work diligently on optimization until it becomes embodied and part of your deep mind and identity and it becomes totally automatic in your thoughts and actions
- Optimization never ends
- Make your mantra “Constant-and-never-ending-optimization” or CANEO
Links to main resources from this episode:
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Disclaimer: This episode is for informational/educational use only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult with your physician if you believe you may have a health condition.

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