A must-listen episode… Matt Finch and Chris Scott share extremely helpful tips on how to remain calm, centered, grounded, effective, strong, and courageous during stressful times. The coronavirus pandemic doesn’t have to be scary or stressful, and neither does addiction recovery.
Your mindset, beliefs, attitude, character, habits, and relationships will determine whether or not you can remain unshakeable during times of chaos and uncertainty.
A person who is unshakeable during difficult times is someone who stands firm and cannot be made weaker or destroyed.
Many people in today’s world have become weak.
They crumble under stress and feel debilitating fear and anxiety in times of uncertainty.
The herd mentality is an epidemic.
However, by learning and implementing some key skills and by strengthening your mindset, you too can become unshakable and thus stay grounded and effective no matter what obstacles you face.
Here are the main topics discussed in this episode:
- How to enhance your ‘inner-world’ to overcome adversity
- Detaching yourself from the ‘herd-mentality’
- Meditation, sleep, lifestyle routines, sacred purpose
- Disengaging from the external world and focusing on yourself
- Becoming interested in learning
- Post-traumatic growth and personal development
- Changing your mindset
- Focusing more on growth instead of instant gratification pleasures
- Sacrifice the present or a better future while enjoying the process
- Focusing on things you have that you’re grateful for and things you can control rather than on what’s missing from your life and what you can’t control
- Creating a compelling vision that is detailed and gets you passionate
- Hardening your mind
- Creating an indestructible mind
- Security and comfort addiction as an epidemic
- What history can teach us about pandemics and more
- Stoicism
- Resilience
- Becoming anti-fragile
- Don’t have the news on all the time during the coronavirus pandemic because you feel what you focus on
- Focus on gratitude and put your subconscious mind to work on coming up with all the gifts in your life
- Asking empowering questions to get empowering answers and focus your mind on the good
- Placing value on experiences rather than materialism
- Getting a sense of order in life by doing what you say you’re going to do
- No matter what’s going on, someone always has it worse
- The start of the coronavirus pandemic
- Prisoners of war maintaining a state of gratitude
- Shawn Achor’s positive psychology exercise of writing two things you’re grateful for every morning for 30 days
- Developing more skills and becoming more resourceful
- There is value in having things to look forward to
- Increasing your sense of self-efficacy
- ‘Harnassing the monster within you’… for good reasons
- Focusing on growth and improvement while also being very grateful for your current life
- Resolve
- Constant-and-never-ending-improvement
- How fear leads to self-protection, feelings of separateness, and narcissism
- Staying off social media as much as possible
- ‘Life is ordinary until it ends’
- How daily routines can keep you grounded during hectic times
- Focusing on healthy connections with others; extraordinary relationships
- Becoming financially unshakeable
- Developing multiple streams of income that you can do from home or that are passive or residual
- Morning routines
- Evernote, journals, notebooks, etc.
- Self-evaluation and re-evaluation
- Slowing down and turning off the news and social media; taking quiet time for deep contemplation
- Using the coronavirus pandemic opportunistically to create new goals
- Living an ‘examined life’
- Finding fulfillment
- It doesn’t matter what happens to you, what matters is how you think about it and how you respond to it
- Taking up new hobbies
Resources mentioned in this episode:
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