Matt and Chris discuss the concept of Improving, Adapting, & Overcoming in regards to addiction recovery, the lingering pandemic and all that has brought with it, and other challenges either in your control or not.
Here are the main topics discussed in this episode:
- The second wave of COVID-19 cases
- California and other states make drastic new rules thus re-closing gyms, churches, and unessential offices, and more
- COVID-19 and a weakened immune system, underlying conditions, etc.
- The concept of “Adapt & Overcome”
- How Matt’s gym opened for a week and a half and then the governor of California ordered the gyms to re-close
- How Matt was able to still work out doing pullups, pushups, dips, and other exercises at a free outdoor gym at a nearby park
- People having difficulty locking into a routine during the pandemic
- Feeling trapped
- Viktor Frankl’s book Mans Search for Meaning
- Dale Carnegie’s book How To Stop Worrying & Start Living
- Events in life don’t cause emotions, rather, our perception of those events and the meaning we give to them causes our emotions
- Staying both optimistic and realistic
- Changing the way you think to overcome addiction and any other unwanted habits
- The Big 5 Personality Test
- The personality trait neuroticism being high in a person and how that can addiction susceptibility and difficult quitting after getting hooked
- Real-life story on adapting and overcoming by a pizza shop that used their ovens to create products to help hospitals during the pandemic
- The Hierarchy of Recovery and the pillars of mind/body/spirit treatment
- Alcohol and/or drugs as a coping mechanism for worrying, anxiety, feeling trapped and feeling unable to make your life better
- Joe Rogan, a famous podcaster, and how he adapts and overcomes in different challenging situations
- The “Human Bio-computer”
- How we live in an “Age of Know-it-alls” due to the abundance of information online
- Matt’s recent story of having to adapt and overcome since his opioid blog lost 50% of its traffic for June until the present day
- The “Epidemic of Unhappy & Cynical People”
- The journey of life is much more difficult and painful if you don’t stay appreciative
- How many people have the compulsive need to be rude online and while driving
- The duality of human beings
- Different phases of life and different aspects of a person’s psyche
- The first, second, and third wave opioid epidemics
- Thinking about death and our finite time on earth as a means for staying grateful, focused on goals and being productive on the things that matter to us
- Contemplating the notion of humans being able to live forever with future advancements in science, medicine, technology, and AI
- Current attempts by researchers to stimulate the prefrontal cortex in a way that helps to treat addiction and other compulsive behaviors
Resources mentioned in the outro of this episode:
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