Synopsis: Chris Scott and Matt Finch discuss various studies on the neuroscience of alcohol and drug addiction, what it feels like to have an addicted brain, what it feels like to be in early recovery and then recovered, and much more. They share personal stories, insights, concepts, lessons, and motivational content to help others achieve and maintain addiction-free and healthy lives.
Here are some of the main topics discussed in this episode:
- Neural roots/origins of alcoholism study
- The mOFC and dPAG regions of the brain and alcoholism relationships
- Impulsive/compulsive alcohol drinking
- Bad decisions under the influence of alcohol
- How Matt Finch was almost killed in Mexico when hanging out with a car thief
- How Matt is lucky to be alive despite all of the dangerous situations he put himself in while drinking alcohol
- High-sensation seeking trait and addiction vulnerability study
- What it feels like to not be able to control drinking or drug use
- How addiction is a complex bio/psycho/social/spiritual phenomenon
- Is there removal of free will and loss of power of choice with addiction?
- How neural pathways, belief systems, and neurotransmitter imbalances make moderation when addicted more difficult
- The relationship between the pain-pleasure principle and use of alcohol, drugs, and other behaviors
- How the power of the mind is an extremely powerful resource and often untapped
- Can you rewire your brain and recover fully?
- How other people don’t understand what it’s like to be addicted without having direct experience being addicted
- How success begets success
- Congratulating Russell Brand for his 19th birthday in sobriety
- How Russell Brand has totally rewired his brain and optimized his life, beliefs, character, identity, and more in recovery
- How old-timers in Alcoholics Anonymous often (but not always) have no desire to drink or take drugs
- How spiritual experiences can take away the desire to drink or use drugs quickly in some people
- Why Chris Scott used to drink heavily due to being nihilistic
- How Chris had spiritual experiences in early recovery
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Disclaimer: This episode is for informational/educational use only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult with your physician if you believe you may have a health condition.

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