Matt Finch and Chris Scott discuss the fundamentals of recovery including nutrition, supplementation, exercise, hydration, sleep, and much more. Additionally, they share mental models for reframing addiction and for empowering you to take control of your life and create the life you feel you were put on earth to live.
There are certain fundamentals that should be addressed while detoxing from substances and getting through post-acute withdrawal.
These fundamentals should also be continued indefinitely to prevent relapse and also to feel your best physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Along with these fundamentals, there are many principles and mental models to learn and adopt that can help you create and sustain a more empowering and uplifting recovery.
Here is a video of Chris Scott at a shooting range to develop his sense of self-efficacy which was discussed in this episode:
Here are the main topics discussed in this episode:
- Updates about the quarantine potentially ending soon
- Therapeutic benefits of learning new skills and enhancing self-efficacy
- Skill-stacking
- Self-reliance
- Self-confidence
- “Where focus goes energy flows”
- Staying optimized as much as possible during the quarantine
- Benefits of “cold therapy” for addiction and mental health
- Yoga, boxing, swimming, and other types of exercises for addiction and mental health recovery
- Nutrition fundamentals for addiction recovery
- Supplementation fundamentals for addiction recovery
- How to choose the best brands of high-quality supplements
- Where not to purchase your supplements
- BioRebalance Nutrient Support supplement
- Kava Kava medicinal benefits and responsible use
- Gabapentin medicinal benefits of responsible use prescribed by a physician
- Using nootropics, natural drugs, prescription meds, and other substances for short-term medicinal use, biohacking, and more
- Harm reduction and responsible use as a popular alternative to total abstinence philosophy
- “When your brain works right, you work right. When your brain doesn’t work right, you don’t work right”
- Taking care of your brain using the tactic of always asking yourself “Is this good for my brain or bad for my brain?” Before eating, drinking, or taking or doing something
Resources mentioned in this episode:
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