Synopsis: Matt Finch discusses the idea of “failing forward” in regards to addiction recovery. He talks about John C. Maxwell’s book “Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes Into Stepping Stones for Success” and the key points to take away from this work and apply to everyday life.
Here are the main topics discussed in this episode:
- Describing John C. Maxwell’s book “Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes Into Stepping Stones for Success”
- Listing the basic steps to failing forward and moving on
- Asking what the difference is between average people and those with success
- The effects of perception on achievements and failures
- Learning to redefine failure
- Breaking out of the negative mindset of failing
- Maintaining a positive attitude
- The top reasons people “fail”
- Defining the acronym FORWARD
Links to Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
- Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes into Stepping Stones for Success
- Failing Forward Slide Share
- CliftonStrengths
- Total Alcohol Recovery 2.0
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Disclaimer: This episode is for informational/educational use only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult with your physician if you believe you may have a health condition.

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