Matt interviews his father John Finch on herbal medicine for addiction, mental health, herbs for immunity, natural therapies for addiction treatment and general brain-body optimization, and much, much …
NOOTROPICS & Smart Drugs for Addiction Recovery (Ep. 122)
Matt and Chris discuss the fascinating topic of nootropics and smart drugs in the treatment of addiction recovery and much more. Nootropics are helping people recover from addiction in many places …
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SEASON 7 PREMIERE: The Virtual Recovery Revolution (Ep. 121)
Matt and Chris discuss a new study that suggests the vast majority of inpatient rehabs in the nation don't use evidence-based treatment but instead focus on dogma, and how the Virtual Recovery …
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SEASON 6 FINALE: Energy/Mood-Enhancing Supplements for Withdrawal-Induced Fatigue (Ep. 120)
Matt and Chris discuss their favorite supplements and other natural biohacks for alleviating withdrawal-induced fatigue and depression, which are two lingering symptoms that often occur after detoxing …
Environmental Medicine for Addiction, Mental Health, & Relapse Prevention (Ep. 119)
Matt and Chris discuss the many types of Environmental Medicine and the research on it for things like brain-body repair, sleep, pain, mood, immunity, and much more. Environmental Medicine for …
A Guide for Family & Friends of Addicted Loved Ones (Ep. 118)
Matt and Chris go deep into the vantage point of being a family member of an individual that has a Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Family and friends can use the tips in this episode to navigate the …
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